Nakayama Professorship Recipients

Image of Manoj Shukla

Manoj K. Shukla - 2014 - Present

Phone 575-646-2324

Fax: 575-646-6041


I, Manoj K Shukla, serve as the Nakayama Professor of Environmental Soil Physics at NMSU. I have been doing water related research for last fifteen years. Research efforts span from quantifying deep percolation, leaching, irrigation and water use efficiency to developing new strategies for efficient irrigation for water conservation. My group consists of postdocs, grad and undergrad students and some faculty members. Research is innovative, timely and important for the people of arid-NM.

"Pure water is the world's first and foremost medicine" (Slovakian proverb). Unfortunately this blessing is in short supply for arid areas of the world. Abiotic stresses are recognized as major challenges for sustaining agriculture in arid areas, however, rigorous research efforts are somewhat lacking. Water and salinity stresses are two of the important abiotic factors that could cause significant plant stress and yield reductions and needs immediate attention. A new cropping model needs to be developed by including water across various salinity gradients for sustaining agriculture, vegetation and air quality of arid areas. Let me briefly describe how the research supported by Nakayama Professorship and other funding addresses these challenges now and in the years to come. More on Shukla